Effective as of May 27, 2019

We hope you find this website useful.  Although of course we strive for accuracy, all content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal representation or warranty.  The products and services featured on this website are intended solely for businesses located in North America, and not for consumers or individuals irrespective of location.   

Information we collect; how we use it

If you use this website to contact us, we will use the information you provide only for the purpose of replying to your inquiry and for any subsequent business communications with you.  We will not disclose such information to third parties or use it for any other purpose.  We maintain our business records, including records of correspondence, indefinitely.  We take reasonable measures to protect all such information from unauthorized disclosure and will comply with all applicable data breach laws in the unlikely event of a data breach. 

In addition to any information you provide us, our hosting provider’s servers automatically collect the following information regarding devices that access our site: device characteristics, operating system, browser type, IP address, dates and times, page and image viewing statistics, and incoming and outgoing links.  Our hosting company may also employ session cookies. We do not access or use such information; our hosting company uses such information only to optimize its server configuration. None of this automatically-collected information is shared with any third party. Our website contains no advertising and thus there are no advertiser or tracking cookies.